BITSYNC isfuture generation crypto exchange and wants to build Ehtereum based Blockchain exchange 

BITSYNC will be first to have both crypto exchange and decentralized exchange platform.

Bitsync is answer to all concerns you are facing now be it security or trading platform Bitsync can handle all the traders more efficiently. Our matching exchange can handle 1,500,000 orders/second making it one of the fastest exchange. Also on 1 February 2018 once Bitsync blockchain based exchange is released it will increase furthermore our matching machine. True privacy & freedom can be bestowed only on blockchain based exchange. All problems pertaining to centralized exchange like data & personal information is with third party & government. As a crypto user the kind of freedom we enjoy its given away when the exchange is centralized hence we are working on blockchain based exchange.
Challenges & Resolution
Security is a major concern for any investor or trader. Many exchanges charge hefty fees but are not able to provide futuristic security. We strive to ensure best security by including ISO/IEC 27001:20132 and CryptoCurrency Security Standard(CCSS)3.

Security is more efficient when human interference is required. Every time you login you will get a notice on your cellphone with two options and you need to select ‘YES’ after that you have to go through 2FA(Google Authenticator) that you have set. So there would be 3 layers of security to login to Bitsync Exchange. This will make our system impossible to hack.
The user interface provided by many exchanges are not used by traders. Traders rather visit third party sites for graphs and charts. Thus making it difficult to handle a trade. Our exchange has a unique interface wherein you don’t have to rely on third party sites for charts everything trader needs will be a click away. These features will be free for lifetime.
No exchange in the world has a toll free number. Even in case of emergency traders are left frustrated as you can contact them by sending an email or asking for help on forums. Imagine you think your wallet is unsafe and then you are asked to send email or write on forum by that time even you know hackers have your fortune.

It takes just 30 seconds or a minute for hackers to go away with your money. In such scenarios on our exchange your account will be freezed within 10 seconds. Once you call on our tollfree number from your designated cell phone number you just need to press 9 to freeze your account in 10 seconds. Unfreezing of account will require few hours after we have established that you want your account back. When you call Bitsync you will get answers from our team who is well equipped with technology and trading. Our customer service team will resolve all your queries on phone or by email(if required) within the time frame that is needed for peace of mind.
Most of the exchanges face this issue. Even as a trader you might have experienced it when you want to buy but order is not executed or you want sell and same happens and you don’t get your target price. Having low order book is very expensive. Hence we would need large investors, traders and miners.

We are not charging any trading fees for two months. ‘No trading fees for two months’ means there will be many traders and investors on board and once they get feel of our trading platform we know they won’t go away. After two months big traders and investors will get huge discount depending on their volumes.
To cater the whole world we need to built an exchange in many different languages. Initially we will support 3 languages English, Korean, Japanese & Russian. Later depending on customer base & demand we will increase our languages. This will also help us to resolve liquidity as more the countries and languages that we support more will be the traders on our platform. No exchanges are focusing on South America market with language integration & marketing countries with large population like Brazil & Argentina can be capped.
We will add Gold to our exchange in the month MARCH 2018. Other commodities will be added after checking the demand & trades of gold with other cryptos. This we feel would be big as it will diminish the gap between crypto & virtual world. We are planning to add gold/oil/silver. Oil and silver would be added later depending on the demand of the commodity trades with cryptocurrencies.
     As a trading platform following will be our source of revenue
Exchange Fee : We will be charging a fee of 0.2% fixed per trade after our free trial of two months.
Margin Fee : If you opt for margin there will be an interest on amount lend.
Withdrawal fee : Depending on the coin one withdraws there will be fees levied.
Listing fees : There will be fees levied for list new coins.

It is confirmed Bitsync Tokens Will be listed on 5 exchanges. ( i.e Ether Delta,, Mercatox, HitBTC, ) On 21st Dec 2017

To add Tokens in Wallet Use :-

Token Name – Bitsync
Symbol – BITC
Decimal – 0
Contract Address - 0xE0c21b3F45fEa3E5fDC811021Fb1F8842caccAd2
ERC20 Tokens
Total Coin Supply – 100,000,000

1st Nov to 7th Nov
1650 BITC Coins
Ethereum (Min 0.5)
Ethereum (Max 5.5)
ICO First phase
11th to 21th NOV
1500 BITC Coins
In 1 Ethereum
ICO Second Phase
22th Nov-2th Dec
1350 BITC Coins
In 1 Ethereum
Third phase
3th to 15th Dec
1250 BITC Coins
In 1 Ethereum

for more information visit :;u=988093


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