GRON DIGITAL - Safe, Transparent Gaming Platform, Can Be Audited And Fair In Blockchain
GRON DIGITAL - Safe, Transparent Gaming Platform, Can Be Audited And Fair In Blockchain Gron Digital Creates a Gambling and Betting platform where transactions are managed with verifiable cryptographic code without human intervention. Gron Digital is a secure, transparent, auditable and auditable Gaming Platform in Blockchain. Our Smart Contract acts as an autonomous trust agent. The platform is operated by a utility token - called GRO. GROs are used by participants in return for the value and services they provide. Service providers, bookmakers, casino operators, affiliates, regulators and players are some examples of participants in the Gron Digital ecological system. Advantages of Gron Digital Includes all lines: Player Transparency Protection. Licensed Guaranteed Payment Easy Payment Method Owner White Label Solutions Guaranteed Payment Method Easy Payment Facility Payment is for Consumed Services only Betting make...